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- Wednesday 24th February
- Wednesday 3rd March
Wednesday 3rd March
Wednesday 3rd March Morning maths
Email me you score and a picture of your work.
Green group
Purple group
Usernames and passwords have been sent out to parents for rising stars reading planet. The book online are the same as the books in our library so to make things as safe s possible could reading be done online instead of swapping books.
Centre ID: 351830
Spend 20 minutes minimum reading every day.
LO: To Compare and ordering four digit numbers
LO: To recount what has been read so far in the form of a diary entry
Tuesday's work.
Bullet point the main events in each chapter with parents (if possible or teacher.
here are the three chapters if needed.
https://youtu.be/jrMG4n3rrA4 Chapter 1
https://youtu.be/c5pAKa4tMIA Chapter 2
https://youtu.be/qydURyZR9s8 Chapter 3
Complete the same task with the next 3 chapters. Read a chapter and bullet point then repeat for the next chapter and so on.
Wednesday 3rd March
- What are the features of a diary entry?
- What tools will you need?
- Whose diary entry will you write?
- Reflect on the chapters read so far and ask children which event they enjoyed most or which character they like most.
- Explain that in this session children will write a diary entry in role as a character from the book.
What are the features of diary writing?
Joe Wicks on Youtube
LO: To research images of water
Research images of water and of artists using water as a theme to inspire the children and encourage them to experiment with more abstract ideas and images, investigating the scale of painting both large and small.
John Constable: https://www.john-constable.org/
KATSUSHIKA HOKUSAI: https://www.katsushikahokusai.org/
OSCAR-CLAUDE MONET: https://www.claudemonetgallery.org/
Have a go at drawing water using different equipment (tissue paper, paint, finger painting etc).
Complete on plaine paper cut out and stick in your art book (Use peices of last weeks painting as well as this weeks).