Tuesday 23rd February
Tuesday 23rd February
Morning maths
Email me you score and a picture of your work.
New spellings
Green group
Purple group
L.O – To explore understanding of character
Key questions |
Activities |
I have recorded the first chapter so following the instructions children can pause at the clip to read the pages they are meant to:
Usernames and passwords have been sent out to parents for rising stars reading planet. The book online are the same as the books in our library so to make things as safe s possible could reading be done online instead of swapping books.
Centre ID: 351830
Spend 20 minutes minimum reading every day.
LO: To use factor pairs in multiplication
Watch and complete the tasks to the clip
Powerpoint worksheet and answers are in the attachments
LO: To understand weather conditions around the world
What sort of texts are on this page?
What do they have in common?
Why is it important to know what the weather will be like when choosing where to go on holiday?
What effects did the weather have on their holidays?
What experiences have you had with weather on holiday?
Has the weather ever ruined your enjoyment on holiday?
Has the weather ever been perfect and made your holiday?
Look at the text and make notes on the best time to go on holiday, write the headings;
Location Type of Holiday When to go When not to go
Belonging to a community
What makes a community; shared responsibilities
LO: To understand the meaning and benefits of living in a community
positive ground rules when discussing PSHRE Topics
: * We will listen to and respect everyone.
* We will keep the conversation in the room. (But be clear on limits of confidentiality.)
* We will use language that won’t upset other people.
* We will use the correct words and if we don’t know them, we’ll ask.
* We will comment on what was said, not the person who said it.
* We won’t use names (share our own, or our friends’, personal experiences).
* We won’t put anyone on the spot.
* We have the right to pass if we don’t want to speak.
Keep fit