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Our Learning

Spring 2- W/c 22.02.21

Monday 22nd February 2021



Phase 5-  Split Digraph e_e  Lesson 51

Phase 6- Click on the link to watch the lesson. Miss Dawson says click on this link

English- Comprehension- LO: To make inferences about the text. Text attached below.

Maths- Unit 16 Lesson 1-



Tuesday 23rd February 2021



Phase 5- Lesson 52 alternative spellings for ie

Phase 6-

English- LO: To ask who, what, where, when, why, how questions to show an understanding of the text.

Maths-Unit 16 Lesson 2-




Wednesday 24th February 2021



Phase 5- Lesson 53 alternative spellings for ai

English- LO: To make inferences about a character using evidence from the text.

Listen to the story again from yesterday- Mossop's last chance.

Chapter 1 &2

Chapter 3&4 

Chapter 5

Based on what we have learnt about Mossop we are going to explore his character today. Complete the role on the wall below. In the thinking bubbles write what Mossop would have been thinking. In the hearts write what Mossop would have felt and in the speech bubble write something that Mossop would say. A paper copy of this role on the wall is attached at the bottom of this page.

Maths- Unit 16 Lesson 3-

2xtables link-

DT- LO: To explore existing products and investigate how they have been made.

P.E- Cosmic yoga


Thursday 25th February 2021



Phase 5-Lesson 54 Alternative spellings for oa

Phase 6-

English- LO: To identify, discuss and collect favourite words and phrases. Click on the link.

Read/listen to the story and collect favourite words and phrases and put them in the sack.

Chapter 1 &2

Chapter 3&4 

Chapter 5

Maths-Unit 16 Lesson 4-

Science-LO: To observe plants and trees in our local environment.

Activity: Go and find a local tree and plant and draw them both. Label the parts of the tree and the parts of the plant. 


Friday 26th February 2021



Phase 5- Lesson 56 Alternative spellings for oo

English- LO: To select, generate and use adjectives effectively.

Read/listen to the story and search for adjectives.

Chapter 1 &2

Chapter 3&4 

Chapter 5

Maths-Unit 16 Lesson 5-

Music- Lesson 1 &2


Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607