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Reopening School


When school closed on 20th March and we went into lockdown, not all of the children were in school.  Obviously not all of the children have been able to return to school before the summer holiday and we therefore still have in school a large collection of schoolwork, belongings and lost property.

Those children who are in school any day before the end of term, your child will bring home any named belongings and schoolwork.

On Monday and Tuesday 13th and 14th July, from 3.15 to 3.45om you can attend school to collect any schoolbooks and any belongings for your child that have their name in them .  We will also have all of the unnamed belongings and lost property available so that you can collect anything belonging to your child.

If you have been notified that your child's schoolwork will need to be kept in school until December then you can still attend school to collect belongings and to check through lost property.

If you are unable to attend after school on Monday or Tuesday, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment to collect your child's belongings.

Any belongings and schoolwork not collected by Wednesday 15th July will be securely disposed of.

If you have any queries, please email or reply to any text you have received from school.  Please ensure your message includes 'belongings' and you childs name.

Thanks and best wishes

Mrs Witts

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607