Week 2
Monday 8th June 2020
- Read the DK website information about the Titanic (see link or printed version) and jot down key facts that interest you
- Read ‘Titanic Facts and Figures’ and watch the video about how Titanic was built, jotting down key information (see link or printed version)
- Based on what you have read, create a Titanic ‘True or False’ game for a member of your family or teacher to answer.
Maths: E-learning task: Finding the lowest common denominator (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Lowest Common Denominator task
Tuesday 9th June 2020
- Read and watch ‘What was life like on board Titanic?’ (see link or print out)
- Watch the Titanic clip (see link) from 4:08 mins to 5:05 mins
- Create a promotional leaflet or poster to advertise Titanic and its facilities- try to persuade people of all classes to buy a ticket.
Maths: E-learning task: Finding the LCD of a number of fractions (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: LCD of a number of fractions
Wednesday 10th June 2020
- Watch the clip of passengers boarding the Titanic (see link on task sheet)
- Re-watch and pause at key points to note down things that you can hear and see (you will need these for the task next week)
- Go back and improve the words and phrases you have chosen for the things that you saw. (keep these for next week)
Maths: E-learning task: Adding two fractions by first finding the LCD
(on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Adding 2 fractions by finding the LCD
Thursday 11th June 2020
- Read ‘Titanic- the voyage’ (see link or printed version)
- Imagine you are a passenger on board the Titanic and choose which class you would be.
- Create a postcard for a loved one back at home explaining your trip so far. Include key facts based on what you have read today, and throughout the week.
Maths: E-learning task: Subtracting two fractions by first finding the LCD (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Subtracting two fractions by finding the LCD
Friday 12th June 2020
- Read National Geographic Kids - Twenty Top Titanic Facts (see print out or link)
- Make a note of the 2 facts that you find the most interesting
- Now create a quiz based on the twenty facts you have read about for a family member or your teacher to answer.
Paper task: Arithmetic: Twinkl Test 3
To prepare you for this you can also practise your Arithmetic skills on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/mental-maths