Week 5
Monday 18th May 2020
- Read Chapter 1- ‘The Filling Station’ in the text ‘Danny the Champion of the world’ or listen to the audio version.
- Based on what you have read, answer the question “Do you think Danny is rich or poor?”. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
- Create a character profile for Danny based on what you have read in Chapter 1.
Maths: E-learning task: Adding decimals to 2 decimal places
(on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Adding decimals to 2 decimal places
Tuesday 19th May 2020
- Read Chapters 2 and 3 of Danny the Champion of the World, ‘The Big Friendly Giant’ and ‘Cars and Kites and Fire-balloons’:
- Create a character profile for Danny’s dad making sure you use words and phrases from the text.
Maths: E-learning task: Adding 3 decimals to 3 decimal places (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Adding decimals to 3 decimal places
Wednesday 20th May 2020
- Read Chapter 4 of the story, ‘My Father’s Deep Dark Secret’ and answer the questions: What is Danny’s dad’s secret? How do you think Danny feels about his dad’s secret? Why? Give reasons for your answer.
- Explore the website link to find out about pheasants
- Create a small fact file based on what you have learnt about pheasants.
Maths: E-learning task: Subtracting decimals to 2 decimal places (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Subtracting decimals to 2 decimal places
Thursday 21st May 2020
- Read and enjoy Chapter 5 of the story, The Secret Methods
- Create a poster explaining the two methods Danny’s Dad describes for how to catch a pheasant.
Maths: E-learning task: Rounding decimals to one decimal place (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Rounding decimals to one decimal place
Friday 22nd May 2020
- Read (or listen to the readings of) Chapters 6 and 7 of the story, Mr Victor Hazel and The Baby Austin.
- Write a prediction of what might happen next
- Have a go at writing your own version of the next chapter of the story. If you have read this story before, create your own new idea for the next chapter.
Paper task: Arithmetic: Twinkl test 1
To prepare you for this you can also practise your Arithmetic skills on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/mental-maths