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Reopening School

Attendance - YR, Y1 and Y6

Posted 13/5/2020 at 11.55am.

The section from the government advice to parents and carers that deals with attendance at school is copied below for your reference.

It is not compulsory at this time for children to attend school.  Government advice is for them to attend if they can but does recognise that for some children it may not be appropriate for them to attend for medical reasons.  There may also be family reasons why a child is unable to attend and some parents may be anxious about the safety of their child and their family.

School has taken into account all the government guidance and medical information regarding Covid-19.  We have significantly changed the arrangements for the classes, for the school day and for arrivals and picks ups from school. We have changed staffing arrangements, working practices and our cleaning regimes to try and minimise risks.

However, it remains the choice of the parent or carer of each of our pupils to decide whether to send a child into school or not.  

We are asking that parents confirm whether their YR, Y1 or Y6 child will be attending school no later than 3pm on Thursday 14th May 2020.  If parents confirm that their child will be attending then we will follow our normal safeguarding procedures in the event that a child does not attend school.


The government advice to parents and carers on the reopening of schools states:-

If my child is eligible, is it compulsory for them to attend school?

We strongly encourage children and young people in the eligible year groups and priority groups (such as children of critical workers) to attend, as requested by their school or college, unless they are self-isolating or there are other reasons for absence (such as shielding due to health conditions).

You should notify your child’s school or college as normal if your child is unable to attend so that staff are aware and can discuss with you.

Parents will not be fined for non-attendance at this time.

Do all vulnerable children and young people who are not currently attending have to go back to childcare settings, school or college now?

Educational settings should continue to offer places to priority groups. In particular, as per the existing guidance on supporting vulnerable children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak, vulnerable children of all year groups continue to be expected and encouraged to attend educational provision where it is appropriate for them to do so.

For children who have a social worker, attendance is expected unless their social worker decides that they are at less risk at home or in their placement.

For children who have an education health and care (EHC) plan, attendance is expected where it is determined, following a risk assessment, that their needs can be as safely or more safely met in the educational environment.

For children who are deemed otherwise vulnerable, at the school, college or local authority discretion, attendance is expected where this is appropriate.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607