Teaching and Learning - at school and at home
Posted 13/5/2020 at 11.55am.
Class teachers will continue to plan and prepare teaching and learning for all the children in their class with the support of the SENCo and the Family Support Worker for those children with special needs, additional needs or children who need support for their continued wellbeing. We will continue to use this planning to put together ‘home learning’ packs for all our pupils. Those pupils attending school will complete the work in school. Those children not in school can complete the work at home.
Classes in school will be split into smaller groups of no more than 15 pupils. Each group will be supported in their learning by a member of staff. In addition, we will be allocating named staff to support all pupils unable to attend school who are completing their schoolwork at home. We will be continuing with art activities, competitions, wellbeing activities and topic work which pupils at home and at school will be able to take part in.