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Autumn 1- Through the Keyhole


This half term our theme is 'Through the Keyhole'. Please keep checking our page class blog to see the exciting things we have been learning about. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Miss Richards or Miss Jackson.



We will spend our first week in school reading and writing all about various Mr Men. We will be finding out about some of the different characters and writing our own character profiles. For the rest of the half term we will be reading and learning all about "Bog Babies". We will use our focus text to learn how to write a letter about a mysterious creature and creating our own story. 


In Maths we will start the year by working on our knowledge of number and place value. We will then be building our knowledge and skills by learning about measures (length/mass/weight), addition and subtraction and shapes.


In Geography we will be learning all about our local area. Our focus question is- What is it like in our local area? We will look at what makes it good to live in our local area and what we would like to improve. We will carry out fieldwork in our local area to help us find out more.


In Science we will be learning about animals and humans including what animals and humans need to survive and how they change as they grow.


Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607