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Resources for Parents

On this page you can find useful downloadable resources, links and information that will enable you to support your child at home.


Learning at home

Below you will find 4 Youtube videos that will guide you through how to engage with reading with your child and how to support your child with their mathematical development using the strategies that are taught in school as part of their curriculum.

EYFS Years 1 and 2 Reading

Key Stage 2 Reading

Maths - EYFS and Key Stage 1

Maths - Key Stage 2


Toilet training

At Primet we understand that every child is different; they learn to walk and talk at different times and they learn how to use the toilet at different times too. Although we know that most children are ready to be potty trained between 18 months and 3 years we are aware that for some children this hasn't happened for various reasons.

Eric is a specific website that is designed to support and give parents advice to get children out of nappies and into pants. Please click on the link below to take you to this very useful website.

An additional that also offer advice and support;


School Nurse

If you require further medical advice due to toileting issues or for any other medical reason you can contact our school nurse on 0300 247 0040.


Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607