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Tuesday 26th January

Tuesdqy 26th January


I have signed the children up for a website called

The username is your child's first and last name followed by 122

eg. mrhaworth122

and the password is year4

Morning maths






Email me you score and a picture of your work.








Tuesday 26th January

LO: To articulate and justify opinions

Read the next few pages below.

What items did Tutankhamun take to the afterlife?
Why would he need them? Which items were for
protection? Which items were personal mementoes?
Sort the items into essential and non-essential. Justify
why you have placed them there.
Children to discuss which items they would choose to
take to the afterlife and why. They can only choose 10
items and must rank them in order of importance
using the Pyramid Hierarchy.

Children discuss which items they have taken to the
afterlife and why using cause and effect conjunctions:
So that, because, in order to, therefore, since, as…

Model manipulating the sentence structure and placing
a conjunction at the beginning:


Since it is going to be dark, I will take a torch and spare
In order to keep me entertained, I will take my favourite
book and read a chapter each night.

when starting a sentence with a conjunction you must place a comma to distinguish between the main and subordinate clause.



Spend 20 minutes minimum reading every day.




LO: Describe movement between positions.

Watch the clip and complete the tasks.

Maths Task and answers are in the attachments



LO: To understand how evidence can give us different answers about the past.


Use the powerpoint and the tasks sheets in the attachments

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607