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Our Vision


Our Vision 

At Primet Primary School, we provide a caring learning environment which values children as individuals.  Our strength lies in celebrating the diversity of our community and exclusivity that allows all stakeholders to achieve their true potential.  Our core values of care, learn, believe and achieve is at the heart of everything we do. 

Our high expectations and curriculum build lifelong learners who have the knowledge, skills and understanding to enable all to thrive at a local, national and global level. 

Our Intent 

The curriculum at Primet Primary school will ensure that all learners leave school being responsible and effective communicators with the skills and enthusiasm to confidently progress onto the next stage of their learning journey. Our core values of care, learn, believe and achieve influence the actions and decisions made by the entire school community.   

Through an enriched curriculum that utilises the local and wider community, pupils will achieve high academic standards becoming fully numerate and literate. They will become resilient and emotionally intelligent learners who can work both independently and collaboratively with high aspirations for themselves and others and celebrate and appreciate the school’s diverse community.   


Cultural Capital  

We believe that our pupils should recognise and celebrate the diverse community that we are part of and experience a number of different opportunities.  This not only helps to develop our pupils spiritually, morally and culturally but also sparks interests in areas that will widen their aspirational goals.   

As a school community, we have created a Bucket list of experiences that we will ensure the children have in their lifetime at Primet Primary School.  These experiences include: 

  • To recognise and celebrate our diverse community. 
  • To take part in a school performance. 
  • To celebrate their learning in class assemblies. 
  • To go on school trips linked to the curriculum. 
  • To experience the theatre. 
  • To represent the school in sporting our subject led competitions. 
  • To experience a residential trip. 
  • To be able to learn to play a musical instrument. 
  • To participate in local events. 
  • To participate in national events  

To recognise and celebrate significant religious festivals important to our school community – Christmas, Easter and Eid. 

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607