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Tuesday 19th January

Tuesday 19th January

I have signed the children up for a website called

The username is your child's first and last name followed by 122

eg. mrhaworth122

and the password is year4

Morning maths


Please find this mornings arithmetic test below:




Here are your answers




Email me you score and a picture of your work.




LO: To use the present perfect tense

Watch the video clip to 9 mins 48 seconds. Then have a go at using this work sheet.

Use the answers below to see if you are correct.







Look closely at Howard Carter’s telegram to Lord Carnarvon. He is writing in the present perfect tense as opposed to the simple past tense. This tense is usually used for events that have just happened. Use a coloured pen to underline the present perfect tenses or write them down from the text if you are unable to get a printer.





Spend 20 minutes minimum reading every day.





LO: To subtract fractions with the same denominator

Watch the video below before answering the questions:


answers are below:






LO: To understand the egyptian ritual of mummification

Look through the Powerpoint before completing the activity sheets in the attachments.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607