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Spring 1 W/c 25.01.21

Hello Year 2,

Hope you've had a lovely weekend and are all taking care. Take a look below to find your home learning for this week.

Please follow the links to access the work for this week. Additional links to resources and to tutorial videos will be uploaded throughout the week.  Please keep checking back to access additional resources.

When you have completed the work, please take a photo and email it to so that Miss Dawson can mark the work and give feedback. Miss Richards teaches the children PSHRE and RE so will be setting this each week. You can send this work to

If you have any questions or need any support regarding the home learning please email Miss Dawson. If you have any queries or need to update school, please either phone school on 01282 864607 or email

Best wishes Miss Dawson and Miss Hugill


Monday 25th January 2021

Arithmetic- See questions and answers attached below.

Practise phase 3 and 5 phonemes below.

Phase 3 phoneme

Phase 5 phoneme

Phase 3 Lesson 31 (ay phoneme) -

Phase 6 Lesson- We are going to learn what happens to the meaning of a verb when they add the ‘ing’ suffix. ‘ing’ is a suffix to indicate something that is happening now, and that hasn’t finished yet. Read the text below reading words containing 'ing'.

Everyone gathered in the kitchen singing happy birthday to Katie. Her mum had been busy in the morning baking her a special cake and it looked spectacular. The family gave Katie her presents. She was shocked when she opened the last of her presents to find a ring. She tried it on and looked as it was gleaming in the light. 

Did you spot all the words containing ‘ing’ in the text? Look at the difference between words with ‘ing’ such as, sing, ring, sting, from words where the ‘ing’ is a suffix. Now find the words that have 'ing' as a suffix.

Learn your new spellings and write sentences for each words. See attached spellings at the bottom of the page. Practise last week's spellings if you neeed more practise.

Miss Dawson's phonic group- Group 1

Miss Hugills phonic group -Group 2

English-Please complete Friday's Eng lesson if you haven't already done before doing todays. Thankyou. 

Watch and listen to the story The Pirate Cruncher again from the author himself......Jonny Duddle

Have a go at our English lesson today.

Maths-Unit 14 Lesson 1

P.E- A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure


Read your reading book online.


Tuesday 26th January 2021

Arithmetic- See question and answers attached below.














Practise phase 3 and 5 phonemes below.

Phase 3 phoneme

Phase 5 phoneme

Phase 3 Lesson 32 (ou phoneme)-

Phase 6 Lesson- Practise reading and writing common exception words prove improve

Recap over yesterday lesson using the ing suffix. Today I've got some verbs which I would like you to add the suffix 'ing'. E.g walk= walking.






Write down anymore that you know. Pick 3 and write some sentences using them.

Learn your new spellings. See attached spellings at the bottom of the page. 


EAL children and children that are really struggling see work below.

Maths -Unit 14 Lesson 2-

RE Lesson-

Read your reading book online.


Wednesday 27th January 2021

Arithmetic- See answers attached below.

Practise phase 3 and 5 phonemes below.

Phase 3 phoneme

Phase 5 phoneme

Phase 3 Lesson 33 (oy phoneme)-

Phase 6 Lesson-Teach ‘er’ suffix which changes a verb into a noun (usually a person) e.g read =reader or  run=runner. What other examples can you think of?

Add the 'er' suffix to these verbs below to change them into nouns.




Complete the activity attached at the bottom of the page (choose the sheet more appropriate for you).


Fantastic story writing from one of our Year 2's. Keep up the great work!!

Maths -Unit 14 Lesson 3-

History-Lesson 3-

Use these images to help you to write about the key events of Columbus' life.

Read your reading book online.


Thursday 28th January 2021

Arithmetic- See answers attached below.

Practise phase 3 and 5 phonemes below.

Phase 3 phoneme

Phase 5 phoneme

Phase 3 Lesson 34 (ea phoneme)-

Phase 6 Lesson- The rules for adding er are : We add 'er' to verbs to say the person doing the action and to adjectives to give the comparative form, as in runner, reader, writer, bigger, slower.

Keep practising your spellings. See the attached spellings at the bottom of the page. 

English-Today I want you to write your own story just like you've been doing all week but this time on your own. You need to write the same story but if you want you can change characters and ideas. I want you to use all the skills that you have learnt and see if you can write the WHOLE story. If you want to plan your story and ideas before you start you can do. :)

Maths-Unit 14 Lesson 4

Geography- Lesson 2

Read your reading book online.


Friday 29th January 2021

Arithmetic- See questions attached below.

Practise phase 3 and 5 phonemes below.

Phase 3 phoneme

Phase 5 phoneme

Phase 3 Lesson 36 (ir phoneme)-

Phase 6 Lesson- Practise reading and writing common exception words behind, any, many, past, fast.

Teach superlative adjectives, for example, biggest, tallest, smallest, coldest.  Teach superlative adjectives, for example, biggest, tallest, smallest, coldest. 

Can you think of any other superlative adjectives? List these.

Write some sentences to include some of these superlative adjectives that you've learnt today.

Learn your new spellings. See attached spellings at the bottom of the page. 

English-Comprehension-Read the text below and answer the questions. Miss Dawson is going to teach this lesson so if you want to do the lesson with her then click on the link.

Maths -Unit 14 Lesson 5-

Science- Lesson 2

Read your reading book online.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607