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Our School

Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to Primet Primary School learning community, where we aim to provide an exciting school experience where children can 'be the best they can be'. We provide a rich and balanced curriculum where children can flourish to build on their own talents and to progress in all areas.

Children lie at the heart of everything we do and every decision within the school is made by firstly considering what is in their best interest. We believe in providing a safe, caring learning environment and value every child as an individual. We shall always look for ways to improve our school including the environment and the children's outcomes.

We challenge and support our pupils to do their best academically and strive to instil a love of learning through an exciting curriculum and a range of enrichment activities. We have very high expectations of behaviour and achievement and with good teaching and pastoral support, we aim to give them the best possible start to their school career. 

We firmly believe education is a partnership between home and school and are committed to working with you to provide the very best care, nurture and learning experience, to enable your child to achieve their full potential whilst they are with us. We also encourage parents to become actively involved in the life of the school so please ask for further details if this interests you. 

We are very proud of our school and hope that you will visit where you will be able to experience first-hand the vibrant, caring and happy atmosphere of our learning community.

I look forward to meeting you and your child.

Christopher Holmes

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607