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Spring 2- What a Wonderful World!

This half-term we will be learning all about 'Our Wonderful World'. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Miss Richards or Miss Jackson.



In English we will be reading the book 'Tell Me a Dragon'. We will create and write a description for our own dragon whilst becoming dragon experts. Once we have gathered information about dragons, we will use this to create our own non-chronological reports to make a class information book about dragons. 


In Maths we will be learning about multiplication, division and length. We will also be re-visiting and extending our knowledge of addition and subtraction, 2d and 3d shapes, fractions and time. 


In Science we will learning about plants. We will be exploring, observing and carrying out lots of investigations with seeds, seedlings and plants.


In Geography, we will be learning about a new place, Shanghai. We will be comparing Shanghai with Colne and learning lots of new information about the geography of this fascinating city.


In Computing we will be learning working with data and information and learning how to create our own pictograms using this. 

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology we will be learning about different salads. We will design and make our own salads.


In Music we will start by inventing new music involving vocal chants and body percussion, using the 'Orawa' piece of music as our inspiration. We will then focus on different pieces of music all about train travel to help us discover how composers use volume, speed and rhythm in their music and to create our own transport inspired pieces.


Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607