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Friday 10th July

Friday 10th July 2020

Good Morning all,

Please keep sending us e-mails to let us know how you are getting on, we have thoroughly enjoyed the pictures we have received of you all enjoying your learning!

Remember that Ms O'keefe and I are always here if you need any support.


Focus theme: Water!
(Part 1)

Water Poetry
Today you are going to
write a poem using all that you have learnt this week so far about water.
Here are some examples of water poems for you to read first.
The River by CA Bowles
The Singing River by
Ernestine Northover (scroll down the page tofind the poem)

The Cataract at Lodore
by Robert Southey

A Dazzling Waterfall by
Maryam Nasir Aliyu

You can write your poem in any way that you like.
Try to include some of the new words that you have explored this week.
You might want to write a descriptive poem, describing a waterfall or the journey of a river.
You could include similes, e.g. as powerful as a bull, metaphors e.g. the waterfall is a wall of diamonds crashing to the ground, personification, e.g. the river grabbed and
tossed the rocks down her path.
Present your poem neatly and illustrate it.

Comprehension/grammar: Pet care of a cat, Year 4 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5

Maths: Line of symmetry and Arithmetic test 5

Spellings: I have added the last spelling patterns to the bottom of the page.

Remember to check out Miss Dark's page for PE and Miss O'Keefe's page for Art tasks. Children should also continue to access TTRockstars each day and read for 15 minutes. 

Please look after yourselves and we look forward to hearing from you soon,

Mr Haworth.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607