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Primet Primary School is committed to ensure that every child achieves the knowledge and skills to become life-long learners.  To ensure this, all children will have access to a range of intervention groups that are specifically tailored to address gaps within their knowledge or other potential barriers to learning.  Children to access these interventions will be decided by the class teacher upon consultation with the SENDCo and parents.

Interventions will continue to target children to close the attainment gap for children in that class. None of these interventions will mix year group bubbles.

Interventions will be led by specialist school staff.  Current intervention groups that will begin in September include:

  • English Acquisition Group for children that have English as a second language.
  • Phonics Rapid Catchup and Keep Up sessions
  • ELSA - Emotional Literacy
  • Lego Therapy
  • Dyslexia Programmes

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607