Intent statement 
The curriculum at Primet Primary school will ensure that all learners leave school as resilient and confident individuals, who lead healthy and happy lives. Our core values of kindness, respect and trust influence the actions and decisions made by the entire school community.
Through an enriched and bespoke curriculum that utilises the local and wider community, pupils will be ambitious with high aspirations for themselves and others. Pupils appreciate and celebrate the school’s diverse community, demonstrating spiritual, moral and cultural awareness and understanding.
They will be well-prepared for the world of work, through the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary to become fully literate and numerate. Pupils will be active enquirers, who possess the creativity and ability to think critically to solve problems and make connections in an ever-changing world. With a growth mindset, pupils are prepared to take risks. They see mistakes as a learning opportunity and challenge as an enjoyable struggle.
As emotionally intelligent individuals, pupils will have an understanding of their own and others’ needs, that will equip them to take responsibilities and lead at a local, national and global level.
Through the teaching of mathematics at Primet, we will encourage the pupils to become resilient and confident learners who understand that we learn from our mistakes. The curriculum has been designed to develop the knowledge and skills in a progressive programme that allow children to work mathematically. Pupils will use concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking to develop basic mathematical skills to prepare the pupils for the world of work by becoming fully numerate. They will be encouraged to learn from first-hand experiences and solve problems in a variety of contexts to prepare pupils for problems they may face in the real world. By working independently, in group and whole situations, pupil will learn to respect the ideas of others and show kindness with turn taking and sharing resources. Children understand, enjoy and are curious about what they are learning and develop an enthusiasm for Mathematics .
Primarily, we use a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics at Primet Primary School. Children develop understanding of concepts through the use of concrete materials, representations to then think abstractly and to deepen their understanding.
Primet Primary School is committed to ensuring that the children develop their fluency of key mathematical concepts so that the children have basic number facts to then apply to problem-solving and reasoning questions. To aid our children in developing these skills, the children complete 10 arithmetic questions upon entry to school every morning. The questions relate to basic skills and key mathematical concepts and consolidation of previous weeks learning.
The document at the bottom of the page shows the progression of the basic skills from EYFS to Year 6 and which forms the basis of some questions that you will see being given to children each morning.