Week 3
Monday 4th May 2020
Hello everyone,
I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and still staying positive in these difficult times. See below for tomorrow’s home learning.
Phonics on https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (phase 2/3/4/5) I will email you all individually to discuss which phase your child is working at.
Start to learn this week’s spellings
Can you have a go at writing a story for the picture I have given you of a wolf. Use your imaginations and discuss with an adult to share your thoughts and ideas before you start writing. If you find it tricky to write the story then draw some pictures in the storyboard that I’ve attached to tell me your story instead.
Arithmetic Summer test 11 (challenging)
Arithmetic Spring test 1
Main Maths activity
In Maths this week’s theme is mass/weight and volume/capacity. Today’s focus is on mass/weight and I would like you to look at the pictures and cut and stick the objects on the correct sides of the scales. This is to show that you understand what objects are heavier or lighter. Remember that when a heavier object will be at the bottom of the scales and a lighter object will be at the top end of the scales.
Topic- This week’s topic theme is ‘What is growing?’
Today I would like you to explore the plants growing in your house/garden/on a walk/in your local park. Talk about what they are and what they will look like when they are fully grown. You might want to sketch the flowers that you find or maybe pick a selection (if they are wild flowers) to make a collage to label or take photographs and annotate. Write down any information that you find out about the plants you choose/find. I would love to see today’s work so please send me some pictures. I’m also going to do this activity today at home and I’ll send you photographs of what flowers I find.
I hope you enjoy todays learning. If you need any support regarding the work that I’ve set or any support with anything else then please don’t hesitate to email me.
Kind regards,
Miss Dawson
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Good morning,
Hope you’re all well. Below I have attached today’s home learning.
English-Comprehension questions.
Maths-Arithmetic Summer test 12 (challenging)
Arithmetic Spring 2
Main maths activity- Heavy and light sorting activity.
Topic- Label the parts of a plant
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 😊
Stay safe and well.
Kind regards,
Miss Dawson
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Hello Year 1,
I hope you’re all ok and staying safe. I have attached home learning for English, Maths and Topic.
Reading: I have allocated more books for you to read on www.activelearnprimary.co.uk.
Phonics: You can go www.phonicsplay.co.uk or alternatively have a go at the phonics I’ve set on www.activelearnprimary.co.uk.
Spellings: Keep practising your spellings.
English: Today the children will do a grammar worksheet- Full stops and capital letters (in learning pack). Please remind the children that we use capital letters for the start of a sentence and for names of people and places. We must always use full stops at the end of a sentence.
Maths: Arithmetic- Summer test 13 (challenging) or alternatively Spring test 3.
Maths main activity: Today the children have got mass and weight problems to solve (find the sheet in your learning pack. The answers are on pg2).
- Carefully examine flowers closely (with a magnifying glass if you have one) and have a look inside the flower.
- Make a large model of the inside of a flower using junk modelling materials (egg boxes, cereal boxes, tin foil etc).
- Label the main parts of a plant understanding what each part is for. (see the flower song for help.
Remember to have a look at the other excellent activities and challenges on the Home Learning page on the school website and check out the range of useful websites for other ideas.
Additional resources for reading, writing and maths activities in Italian, Romanian, Polish or Urdu are available - please follow this link: https://www.primet.lancs.sch.uk/page/?title=EAL&pid=221
If you have any questions please just email me. I’m always happy to help. 😊
Take care and stay safe.
Kind regards,
Miss Dawson
Thursday 7th May 2020
Hello everyone!
Hope you’re well on this lovely sunny day.
Phonics: Phase 3 activity booklet if you’ve already done this then do your phonics on www.phonicsplay.co.uk or alternatively www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
English: Get the children to learn the alphabet, write out the alphabet using both capital letters and lowercase letters.
Arithmetic: Summer test 14 (challenging)
Spring test 4
Main Maths activity: Capacity and volume worksheet
Topic: Design your own garden and label what plants/fruits or vegetables you would like to grow in your garden.
Don’t worry if you don’t get through all the work. Go outside if you can and enjoy the sunshine. 😊 The children and you deserve some time to relax and have fun.Take care and best wishes.
Miss Dawson
Friday 8th May 2020