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New Intake YR September 2020

Posted 13/5/2020 at 11.55am.

Due to the current situation with Covid-19, it is not possible to arrange our normal transition process for our Year Reception new starters for September 2020.  We would normally arrange a meeting for new parents, a visit to your child in their current nursery school by our Reception Class Teacher, a home visit by our Family Support Worker, Stay and Play sessions for you and your child in our reception class and a session where your child can stay in school on their own.

This level of contact would sadly not be appropriate under the current circumstances.

We have made contact with our new pupil's families by post and will this week be sending a home learning pack to everyone.  We will send our Parent Handbook as soon as possible.  This contains various forms that normally we would complete with our families.  For some of the forms we will need to ask you to complete them and return them to us.

We will be trying to arrange for our new starters to visit individually with their parents or carers before we break up for summer.  This will give your child an opportunity to meet their class teacher, to see their classroom and will give a change for parents and carers to ask any questions they may have.  These arrangements will be made taking into account the guidance on social distancing and we will need to take into account that we will have children and staff present in school.

In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01282 864607

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607