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Who can attend school? - YR, Y1, Y6 classes and keyworker children and vulnerable children

Updated 22/06/2020.

The government has issued guidance confirming that primary schools will be expected to open for pupils in Year Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from Monday 22nd June.  

Children of key workers or vulnerable children may continue to attend school in accordance with guidance previously issued.

No child will be able to attend school without prior notice.  Please notify school as soon as possible and no later than 1 pm on Wednesday 17th June if you intend to send your child to school.  School will contact you in writing as soon as possible and no later than Friday 19th June  in order to confirm that your child can attend school and to confirm their start and finish times and the drop off and pick up arrangements for your child.

The government has indicated that it will now not require schools to make arrangements for Y2, Y3, Y4 and Y5 children to attend school before the summer holidays.  School will continue to keep these arrangements under review.

We had hoped to make arrangements for our September 2020 Reception Class intake to have the opportunity to visit school before the end of term.  However this will now not be possible.  All our Reception Intake families have been written to regarding arrangements for a visit to school in the first two weeks back, followed by part time attendance from Monday 14th September and full time attendance from Monday 21st September.  If you have a child due to start in our Reception Class in September 2020 and have not received your letter, please contact school as soon as possible.

If your child or anyone in your household has symptoms of Covid-19 then your child must not attend school but they and everyone in your household must follow the guidance issued by Public Health England on self isolating for 7 or 14 days as appropriate.  In this case, please contact school and we will agree with you on what date your child can return to school.

If you child shows symptoms of Covid-19 whilst at school, they will be immediately quarantined within school and you will be contacted and requested to collect your child as soon as possible.  A return to school date based on the guidance issued by Public Health England will be agreed with you.

If you child is unwell but not showing symptoms of Covid-19 we would ask that you not send your child in to school until you have contacted school.  We will discuss your child’s symptoms with you and agree whether or not your child can attend school and if not agree an appropriate date for your child to return to school.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607