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Tuesday 5th May

Good Morning all!


Thank you for all of you pictures yesterday. Well done to Rebecca and Maya you are trying really hard!! Your handwriting is much better Maya I am super impressed!


Please find attached Tuesday's home learning - any attachments that you may need are also on the school webpage. 


Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

Read and enjoy ‘The Chocolate Room’ Section 15 am/CharlieAndTheChoc olateFactory/Charlie%2 0and%20the%20Chocol ate%20Factory_djvu.txt

Alternatively, if you have the book, turn to the chapter – The Chocolate Room.

Now, watch the clip. om/watch?v=OMFQtY6 655E (Note: PG certificate)

Imagine that you are there.

Write a descriptive paragraph of what you can see.

Use your senses to help you.

What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell? What can you touch? What can you taste?

Think carefully about including:

  • -  Precise nouns, e.g.

tulips instead of


  • -  Noun phrases/ similes/metaphors
  • -  First person (I)
  • -  Expanded noun

phrases, e.g. Mr Wonka turned the key in the small wooden door that lay in front of us.

  • -  How it makes you feel, e.g. I stopped and stared in awe.
  • -  I couldn’t believe my eyes.
  •  Attached  is an Arithmetic paper Spring 3 and a Maths paper, page 78 LO: To practise counting forwards and backwards using decimal fractions. with sections A, B and C.


I have attached the next 10 comprehension. For today the children will just need to complete Where do you live?.

Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607