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Covid Time Capsule activities day 1

Day 1

Hello children,

Hope you had a super weekend. Today's challenge is quite a big one. It may be a good idea to do a little each day over the next couple of weeks. We are going to be making a time capsule!✨ In a few years or even when you've grown up you will be able to look at your work and remember all about the time you didn't have to go to school.

You can do the sheets that you received in your packs in any order, and you can include other members of your household as well. It might be fun to get your brothers and sister to join in in, if you have some. Among the activities are sheets for you to print or draw around your hands, (this is so when you look back you can see how much you've grown). You could also do the 'All about me ' section, this is the part where you record you height and weight and other things about yourself.

I'll add extra's everyday this week to help you along. Please ask if you need any help and remember to send me your photo's.🙂

Good luck

Mrs Riley


Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607