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Primet's Got Talent


It was such an unbelievably hard decision trying to pick just two winners as I had such fantastic entries but the winners are:

Ks1: Dylan (Y1) 
Ks2: Oliver (Y3)
Teacher: Ms Gleave

Thankyou so much for all your amazing entries. You are all winners in my eyes as your talent will always shine. ðŸ˜‡


Update on Primet's Got Talent!

Hi everyone!

It's Miss Canty here, 

Just wanted to let you know there is still time to enter the 'Primets Got Talent' competiton! 

So far I have had some FANTASTIC entries - 

Shout out to: 

- Eloise (Y6) who is going to be on The Great British Bake Off one day as her cakes look yummy!!! 

- Josh (Y5) and Orion (Y6) who are multi talented completing jigsaws, karaoke and gymnastics! 

- Dylan (Y1) who is a superb climber and I love his perseverance.

- Cody Bee (Y2) who is a superstar singer! One day he will be filling a huge stage, I am sure! 

- Irham (Y3) and Cody Leigh (YR) who completed a gymnastic routine for me during school supervision, which was very impressive! 

Please email any entries that you have, anything that you have done or are proud of can enter!  I know we have lots of talented children here at Primet! Comedians, artists, karate experts, sports stars, magicians, cheerleaders, dancer, musicians just to name a few.. so get your entries in! 

Hope to hear from you all,

Miss you VERY much,


Primets’ Got Talent - Details of the competition

Hi all! As we are terribly missing seeing you, I thought why not show off our fantastic talents and create some happiness?

Are you a sensational singer? A jolly juggler? A marvellous magician? A superb sportsperson? A daring dancer? A majestic musician? An amazing artist? A charming comedian? A great gymnast? A wonderful writer? A magnificent mathematician? A brilliant baker? Or even a spectacular scientist? .. Or maybe you can recite the alphabet backwards?!

If you answered yes to any of the above.. THEN WE NEED YOU!

All ages and talents are included, no matter how bizarre and wonderful!

Send in all your videos and I will choose a winner who will get a virtual certificate and a prize when we return to school!


Missing you all lots, stay safe!

Miss Canty (














Primet Primary School

Tatton Street

Colne, BB8 8JE

01282 864607