Week 2
Monday 27th April 2020
English: Read the story starter ‘A Musical World’. Complete the tasks on page 2, 3 and 4- Question time, Sentence Challenge and Sick Sentences
Maths: E-learning task: Division by chunking (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website- link below)
Paper task: Chunking- Dividing 2 digits by 1 digit (follow steps to success to answer problems)
Remember to keep practising your times tables on TTRockstars- I set some new ones last week for each group. Also remember to read for 15 minutes, I've put some links to sites below where you can access books online, for free, just in case you've exhausted every book that you own.
https://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/login (you need a login but it's free)
Check on Miss Dark's PE tasks and Miss O'Keefe's art on the home learning tab on our website too.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
English: Re-read the story starter ‘A Musical World’. Continue the tale that has already been started on page 1- What is about to happen? Which instrument is about to burst into life? It might help if you draw the instrument first!
Maths: E-learning task: Short division of 2 digits divided by 1 digit (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Short division with 2 digit numbers and answers- See help sheet for method
Wednesday 29th April 2020
English: Re-read the story starter ‘A Musical World’ and complete the task on page 5: think of another musical instrument, and imagine a new world grows from it. Draw and describe what this new world might look like.
Maths: E-learning task: Short division of 3 digits divided by 1 digit (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: Short Division- 3 digit numbers with answer sheet (follow yesterday’s help sheet for method)
Thursday 30th April 2020
Grammar, punctuation and spelling: Test 6
Maths: E-learning task: Short division of 2 digits divided by 1 digit with remainders (on ‘The Maths Factor’ website)
Paper task: 2 digit short division with remainders (see help sheet from Tuesday for method)
Friday 1st May 2020
Reading: Read page 1 of the text ‘If I had Wings’ and answer the questions on page 2.
Maths: Arithmetic paper- Autumn Test 4
To prepare you for this you can also practise your Arithmetic skills on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/mental-maths